Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Celebrate French Crepes Day!


Crepes Day, a.k.a. La Chandeleur, officially took place in France last Sunday but today being Mardi-Gras, you can still pretend it's crepes day. For those of you unaware of this eggy gallic tradition, the Chandeleur is celebrated throughout France in early February with savory buckwheat (galettes) and sweet wheat crepes (crepes).

The all time favorite is the crepe complete: egg, ham and cheese. You accompany your crepes with apple cider (not the kind for babies, the kind with alcohol) or buttermilk. Remember: buckwheat is savory, wheat is sweet, not the other way round.

Here are two links to crepes recipes: Chocolate and Zucchini for the savory galette recipe, and Famous French Desserts for the sweet crepes recipe.


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